The dates for our summer camp are set. You can start signing up now . Here is a video of one of the fun activities we do at summer camp.
Moo Sa Karate will be offering a parents night our on friday february 16th from 5:30 - 8. Hopefully this can give parents a chance to have the night off and maybe celebrate valentines day. The parents night out will be pack with games and races. Lots of dodge ball, tag, and all kinds of stuff. Pizza and drinks are included for the night. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A STUDENT TO ATTEND OUR PARENTS NIGHT OUT. Anyone can sign up. Just call the office at 610-800-7629 to sign up. Its only $30 for this fun night.
We will be offering a spring break camp april 3rd - 7th 9am - 4pm for any students on spring break. The camp is $200 for the week. All students have to bring a lunch, refillable water bottle, and any snacks they would like. The week will be filled with fun games, activities, team competitions, karate, and of course focus, self discipline, respect, self control........ YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A STUDENT TO REGISTER FOR OUR SPRING BREAK CAMP OR OUR SUMMER CAMPS. ANYONE CAN SIGN UP. Please fill out a registration form in the lobby or call 610-800-7629.
In our little dragons class, which is the class for our 3-7 year olds, we teach the 3 rules of concentration. You will see in the video , it is simple. Focus your eyes, focus your mind, focus your body. Which seems simple. It is simple and it is important no matter how old you are. I start every day by teaching the little dragons, and I finish each night teaching a kickboxing class for adults only. The funny thing is that I tell the adults to focus their eyes on the target almost as much as the 3-7 year olds. Im not being mean when I state this because I AM GUILTY OF NOT LOOKING AT THE TARGET MYSELF FROM TIME TO TIME. I am constantly reminding myself to look at the target. The adults are always amazed how much better they do a punch or kick when I get them to look at the target. The kids are also amazed how good they do a punch or kick when they look at the target. What is my point? How much do you do during the day WITHOUT ACTUALLY LOOKING . It is a very healthy practice to pay attention to your surroundings. The Buddhist monks practice this awareness all the time. Actively thinking about what you are doing and if you can do it better or change something. Focusing on your body and checking your posture while you sit at your desk is challenging, but something that needs to be done. There is a lot we can learn from focus your eyes, mind, and body. This is a question I often get. It is a logical question. First thing to know is we offer classes for students as young as 3 years old. The students have to be 3 and potty trained. The child also has to be able to communicate with the instructor. So should all 3 year old start karate? No. Are there 3 year olds that can benefit from our martial arts class? Yes. It is a developmental class designed to help develop focus, balance, coordination, self control, and self discipline. Can a 3 year old really learn all that? I think that is a poorly worded question. Here is a better question. When should you start teaching your child about these things? My answer is as soon as they are able. Its never to soon to START working with you child on these qualities. We do a 3 class trial to evaluate the student to make sure they will benefit from the class. We do a 3 class trial for everyone that wants to try our programs. Call today for more information. 610-800-7629.
In each class we aim to develop focus and self discipline. Helping students to focus their eyes,mind, and body on one thing at a time. This takes practice, but once you get the hang of it and you feel the sense of accomplishment you get from completing a task, you start wanting to do it more and more and then before you know it.... it has become a habbit. We have a busy schedule coming up. October 26th is our halloween party and sleep over. The party is free. We ask parents to sign up and bring a snack or halloween treat for food. The party is from 5:30 - 8:00. There will be games and races inside and outside. The party will finish with the costume contest starting at 7:30. We have 5 catagories. Prettiest, scariest, funniest, most original - for the kids. And the best couple costume for the parents. Good luck to everyone.
The halloween sleepover starts at 8:30, after the sleepover and ends at 9am the next morning. Please register for the sleepover by filling out a form in the lobby. It is a ton of fun and hands down the most fun event we do all year. Thats what the students say :) Looking ahead in to november we have our holiday sale on sunday november 17th. Please mark your calendars. Its from 9am - 2pm. Everyone will be getting holiday catalogs soon to see all the cool stuff to get for christmas. We also have the brookhaven holiday parade on saturday november 23rd. There will be a modified schedule that day so everyone can still do class and come march in the parade with us and hand out candy canes. We will also be doing a demo this year. So everyone marching in the parade will be able to participate in that. This is a video of Anthony Robbins explaining something I like to say often to my students. What does it take to go from good, to great, to excellent, to the best of the best. This concept is true in life. Remember "Moo Do" - Martial Arts - is a way of life. These lessons and concepts help us make the best life we can. Don't forget what you are about to hear in this video. This concept will allow you to be the best. This is a great topic because it relates to so many areas of our life. What im talking about is how kids copy other kids. Sometimes this is a thing they do without even thinking about it. Yesterday in class I shared a story about 2 black belts that personally inspired me. I watched them do form and I was so amazed by their speed, power, and intensity, that from that day forward I told myself I wanted to look like they did. Now the funny thing is those 2 black belts were just doing what they do. They were not trying to impress me. But their actions inspired me to be better. They were leading by example and I just so happened to be there to see it. So think about how many times a day people just so happen to see you doing something. For the students with younger siblings, think about how many times a day your brother or sister copy you. You are a leader. They are coping you. My hope is that these talks will encourge my students to set a good example for those around them.