If you are like me you probably search for something that you and your family can do together. I would like for you to think about martial arts. Moo Sa karate has its classes structured for family classes. This means it is broken up by rank and everyone over the age of 8 trains together. There are some pluses and minuses with this way. But what I love to see is moms and dads training right along side with their children. When I give a lesson about self discipline or perseverance the children know mom or dad is right there hearing the same thing, and it kind of makes the kids almost have to use it at home. They are held accountable because they know mom and dad heard me telling them to use this at home. On the other side of that just because you are an "adult" doesn't mean you are perfect. We can still use coaches and sometimes it is nice to be reminded that even tho you are tired you can still get done what you need to get done. As adults it is good to have that reassurance that you can get past whatever problems you are having. You are a martial artist, you will persevere, don't give up. Who wouldn't love to hear that every day. On top of all this parents and their kids are learning the same blocks, punches and kicks. So at anytime dad could go practice some self defense with his kids, or mom could practice some forms with the kids. There is something you share now. I truly believe "The family that kicks together, sticks together."